Saturday 27 July 2013

The Noobra Walley

I'd say if you came to Ladakh and were not interested in trekking, this place is absolutely unmissable. We had a crew of 7 people which was perfect for renting a whole jeep, we paid 3500 rs which was a bummer as the first price was 3000, my fault for being greedy and thinking we were being over charged, however this was not normal India, and taxi drivers were being pretty honest from the onset. The jeep took us as far as Diskit over the highest road in the world, the sign said 5600m but I'm not sure it was that high, but certainly the highest place we'd been. The drive was full of more breath taking views, and just so relaxing. The second leg to Turtuk was tough, four hours standing on a completely over crowded bus, knowing how amazing the views would be, all I could see was a water melon, a sleeping bag and rucksack pressed almost to my face. It didn't help seeing Mayu with her lucky position in seat so she was low enough to look out the window, with her mouth open, fast asleep rolling her head all over the place. We did get a treat at the end though, the bus got so full that we were forced onto the roof, with a full 360 view with sun going down, it was magical.

Turtuk was so beautiful, like a little venice in the mountains next to Pakistan. The people were all so friendly, the weather was perfect, I don't really know how describe the place, my only hope is it remains the way it is, with a steady supply of tourists to give the people extra income and not get overloaded and destroy what's so magical about the place.

We visited a hot spring area afterwards, to be honest the hot spring it's self wasn't anything to write home about, but having hot water coming out of a tap was such a special treat. Everyone knows what pouring buckets of hot water over you feels like, but when it's been weeks without, its something extra special. The surrounding area was more of the same breathtaking scenery, there was a wishing pond (a pond you wish at) we didn't know at the time that it was sacred and swimming or throwing stones was not allowed, but we approached it from a strange angle missing all the signs telling us this. Jerry cut his foot quite badly, I guess this was the gods way telling him not to go swimming. He threw stones instead, I had to include this picture as it took about an hour of hard work to get the stone in frame. I can take credit for taking this picture but for all other pictures I have Jerry to thank for.

After spending the night in Panamik hot springs we went to a festival down the road in Sumo, where we spent a great day chilling in the sun, listing to music and drinking a lot of beer into the late night. We even had a two man silent disco going on, with a few locals listening to a song or two.

All in all we spent 6 days in Nubra valley and Visa allows 7 days, but we were keen to get back to Leh and start planning our final trek to take us out of Ladakh and into himachal pradesh again.

 Yet another police check point, just before the worlds highest road.
 A breath taking view coming into Nubra Valley
 A quick stop for a pee before boarding the bus roof
 Not sure how Ryo was finding space to sit on the very edge, both below and the roof were full to the brim.
 Chilling on the hotel roof, with watermelon and mint chai, looking at Pakistan in the distance.
 Our tour of the town
 The little peak in the distance we were told was K2, second highest mountain to Everest.
 Walking around little Venice.
I still can't see the no swimming sign, picture from Mayu
 After an hours work, we got the shot. Picture from Elliot, throw from Jerry
Johannas and Ryo off to try and cross a river, but with no success.
 Ladaki women singing at the festival
 Goa Gay Guy's dog Toto.
Crazy view from the desert sands, with tribal drumming in the back ground. Magical evening.

Most pictures from our offical photographer, Jerry Wilson.

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