Sunday 5 May 2013

2 weeks in and finally a blog

The Internet has not been brilliant in India, my first attempt at a blog was a week ago but I spent an hour achieving nothing, but today the computer seems quite fast, we are staying in the most luxurious place so far, Jerry is sleeping on the floor, but I promise you it is very nice.

So going back a bit Jerry and I arrived in the Delhi around 2 weeks ago on 20th April. We had a slightly traumatic incident at heathrow, just before boarding the plane an old Indian man started coughing heavily, which followed by being sick on himself, things are running thought my head, maybe this is the first out break of some terrible disease. He was sitting down, but decided to get up from the seat and started walking toward Jerry, he looked out of it, and fell backwards smacking his head on the floor. We both looked at each other in a sort of 'what the F@#K has just happened!' I run over to the staff desk in a panic saying "we need a doctor", however the drama quickly ended when the guy came to, cleaned the sick off his face and seemed fine.

After the flight we were greeted by the lovely Eva, who has been amazing! I am not sure how we would have coped with the Delhi mayhem without her, its quite a shock to the system.

We were picked up from the airpoty without problems, haha typing error but I quite like it, Eva took us straight back to her apartment, I will be very honest and say I thought the area was a proper dive, but after spending a day in old Delhi it is pure paradise! Ok it may not have the simple things, in English neighbourhood for example we have grass verges between the pavement and the road, the buildings have some sort of uniformity and the place isn't covered in dust, Greater Kaliash has none of these things, but it's a world away from the poverty that seems to be all over delhi.

Had a quick moment to freshen up in the shower and it was straight to Agra, there was no hanging about. Anyone who has visited knows how special the place is, I couldn't help but feel Id been there before, it might have of unfortunately been the overload the brain gets from pictures and TV, making you feel like you've visited somewhere before you have. All in all it was a great introduction to India!

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