Sunday 5 May 2013

Beautiful Sikkim

We arrived in Gangtok, and Daniel an Indian guy we met in the jeep put us in a taxi and told to driver to take us to a hotel, we found ourselves at the bamboo retreat, its was a little pricey for what we were hoping, 800rs per room but the place had hot water, big clean rooms and amazing views of the mountains, which we found out the following morning. Mayu and I woke up around 6am and looked out the window, I could see this huge white mountain in the distance, like a kid on christmas day I ran to Jerry's room to wake him up as well. We sat there for 10minutes admiring the mountain and then went back to bed to get up at a reasonable 10am.

Gangtok was a super chilled place, on the second day we enquired about trekking to Gochela, it was pretty expensive, around 1100rs per day per person to do the trek. This is included transer to Yuksom plus food and accomodation for the whole period.

Unfortunately we had to pospone the trip because Jerry and I both funny bellys, his was all coming out his mouth and mine the other end. 24hrs past and we were back on solids with chow mein and momos.

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