Monday 27 May 2013

Leaving the East

Spending time in Sikkim was soothing for the soul, everywhere you looked was greenery, wildlife and fresh air. It's not the place to prepare you to head back to Delhi, but its a must if you want head north. Arriving in NJP from Darjeeling, I wasn't in the best of moods, I think the heat, pollution and poverty was getting to me a little. Still not sure how some places in India can be so tranquil and some places so chaotic. We spent a few hours waiting in the strain station watching shit being blasted with water off the tracks, I can see why they ask you not to take a dump at a station, I could also see that everyone ignores the signs in the toilet. I remember thinking how short sited it was to clean up the stations, because as soon as the platform ends the rubbish begins. I was thinking this whilst watching three men sweep up and collect all the rubbish people were throwing on to the tracks, firstly a bin at a station might start to solve this issue, and secondly people's attitude, even whilst the station was being cleaned, passengers were throwing rubbish in places that had just been swept. I'm not really angry about it now, but was at the time. Someone we met on the train really gave me a boost, he was the father of the family sleeping next to Mayu and I, hes the smiley one on the left. He was enthusiastic about life and we had a great chat about life, India and human kind. I went to bed feeling positive and ready to carry on with my travels.

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